November 22, 2009

Life's Perspective

Have you ever been stuck in something - something so significant that there seemed to be no way out? I remember a time in my life that these sorts of things used to happen more frequently. When I was a younger, everything felt that it was going to last forever.

A time in my life that this was especially the case was high school. During this time span, I took things so literally. If my peers didn't except me then I thought that it would always be this way. I thought if I could not make and sustain friends, then I wouldn't have friends throughout my life. I would even sometimes think that if I couldn't find anyone to hang out with me on the weekends, then no one really cared about me.

I bring this up because I recently did a funeral for an 18 year old high school student from Rogers. He hung himself sometime in the early morning after reflecting about his friend's funeral he had spoke at the day prior. I am not sure why he actually did it, but I am guessing it has something to do with feeling like there was no answer for tomorrow.

We all have heard the saying, "This too shall pass." When we are young, I am not sure if we completely understand this. All of our issues seem insurmountable. However, as we grow older and experience more of life, we see that things do get better. They might not work out as we want them to, but what was once a mountain seems more like a mole hill.

When you are going through things that seem like there will be no end. Please note, it will pass and worth taking your life over. If you find yourself facing these demons; please, seek out a friend, a counselor, or a phone number to call. Do whatever it takes to get through the issue.

If I may, I feel the best thing you can do when you are facing these types of feelings is to begin serving others. It is in this that we find the meaning of life.

I think, as we grow, we also understand that this life is not about me. Life's true meaning is about others. Life's meaning has to do with...
  • how well am I loving others
  • how well am I serving others
  • how well do I add value to other people's lives
This is not an extensive list, but I think it sums up some of the bigger ones. As Thanksgiving approaches, would you take a moment and let those around you know how much you love them, do something for them, and add value to the their life by letting them know what you are most thankful for about them.

Here is one of things I am thankful two girls!

November 18, 2009

Here We Go...

I have never done anything like this before, but I have seen several of my friends start their blog and it is something that has interested me. However, I am not too computer savvy, so I want to get acclomated to this first.

What will this blog have???

I will be sharing some of my life stories, what I have been learning through the books that I have been reading, and what my aspirations are for the future.

I hope you will share your life stories and what you are learning too...that way we can grow together in this journey called life!